Bilingualism: The Cognitive Benefits of a Second Language
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Science Minded is all about Parent Education. In this blog, you will find free Evidence Based information on Child Development.
What do children think of beards?
Delaying Gratification: Is it worth it?
Babbling & Language Development
Who's in the mirror? Mirror Self-Recognition
Nudie Rudie: The Importance Of Naked Play
The Power of Peekaboo
Thumb sucking: Thumbs-up or Thumbs-down?
Tantrums: Why they happen & What to do about them
4 Things Worth Knowing About Babies
Mental Time-Travel
Vestibular Development & the importance of physical play
Playing with knives
On the importance of being cute.
Great Expectations
Tell me lies, tell me white little lies
Why is baby talk is good for babies?
"This is not a pipe", or is it? How children come to learn about symbolic representation.