Hi there! There are a few new faces here recently so I thought an introduction might be in order.

My name is Siobhan, I'm a mother, a Scientist and an advocate for parents and families. I help Science Minded parents, like you, become more informed, giving you the confidence to make choices that feel right for you and your family.
I have a PhD in Child Developmental Psychology and have spent the last 10 years working closely with infants and families to understand all I can about children's social, cognitive & emotional development.
After having a child of my own and engaging with mother's groups and online forums I noticed a lack of evidence-based information readily available for the Science Minded parent.
I started Science Minded to bridge this gap and connect parents who are open to learning more about their child and themselves. Knowledge is power. Having the inner strength to parent our children with confidence and love is the best gift we can give them.
I'm still learning to balance being a Mum with this new venture (I'm currently typing this as my little one is drifting off to sleep in my arms), but I'm excited to see where it takes me. I'm even more excited to connect with you and other Science Minded types just like us 🥰