Starting Solids
Introducing solids to your infant is an exciting milestone, and this guide has everything you need to know about timelines, safety, and recommended first foods as you embark on this new adventure together.
Available as a digital download, this Parent Guide will be delivered straight to your inbox immediately after purchase, so you can dive in right away.
This evidence-based, heavily researched, yet easy-to-read guide walks you through the fundamentals of starting solids, including:
- The latest research on why, how, and when to introduce solid foods
- Essential information about choking vs. gagging, allergies, and food safety
- Tips and tricks to help make the transition smooth and stress-free
It also covers the key differences between baby-led weaning and traditional spoon-feeding, outlining the benefits and drawbacks of each approach.
With this guide in hand, you’ll gain the knowledge and confidence to navigate your baby’s transition to solid foods with ease.